Photo credit: @greenbiscuit
Since the start of the Covid19 pandemic in March 2020, Studio Sorores Director Jessie Westwood has been actively lobbying and campaigning for the weddings and events sector, and a core campaign team leader for #whataboutweddings which was created to support both couples and businesses.
As we approach November and with almost 8 months of heavily restricted guest numbers or banned weddings and events altogether, the team behind #whataboutweddings has created an emotional, poignant and beautiful film reminding us just how special weddings are in creating magical moments and lifelong memories at what for so many is a milestone event.
You can view the film below, and we would encourage you to share it as widely as possible to support the wedding and event workers and community, but also a reminder of happiness, joy, love and life as we once knew it.
Adam Wing – follow @adamwingfilms
Blooming Lovely Films – follow @blooming_lovely
Dan Dolan – follow @dandolanfilms
Grace and Mitch – follow @graceandmitch
Green Biscuit – follow @greenbiscuit
Handcraft Pictures – follow @handcraftpictures
HD Moments – follow @hdmoments
Hushabye Films – follow @hushabyefilms
Jacob & Pauline – follow @jacob_and_pauline
Jono Symonds – follow @jonosymonds
Miki studios – follow @mikiphotography
Mintyslippers – follow @mintyslippers
Perfect Moment Films – follow @perfectmomentfilms
Philip White – follow @philipwhite
Reel Weddings – follow @reelweddingsuk
Reellove Films – follow @reellovefilms
RL Films – follow @rlfilmsco
Shutterbox films – follow @shutterboxfilms
Sugar 8 – follow @sugar8weddings
Lawson Films – follow @lawsonfilmsuk
This Modern Revelry – follow @thismodernrevelry
Toast films – follow @toastfilmsuk
Tynegate Films – follow @tynegate_films
Wagtail Productions – follow @wagtailproductions
Zach & Grace – follow @zachgracefilms
Zade Film Co – follow @zadefilmco
(Film soundtrack, ‘Human Spirit’, by Hans Johnson - @hansjohnsonstudios)